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BlueBox in Toronto

A Welcoming Response to BlueBox Entering the Toronto Market

The Toronto market was the most attractive market to be able to expand to in Canada. Toronto buildings are very familiar with the idea of implementing smart parcel lockers, and residents are less hesitant to adopt this feature into their day-to-day lives. Buildings are pre-built with grand lobbies, enabling enough space to be able to install lockers to handle the average 300+ unit buildings. 

Being able to be recognized in the Toronto market has allowed us to identify our true differentiators compared to other smart locker brands who have previously dominated the East coast. This includes: 

  • Price 
  • Lead Time 
  • Customer Service 

On top of being able to price match with anyone in the current market, we also have the most affordable pricing structure. This includes our monthly service fee option, or our purchasing option. The feedback our team has received regarding our pricing, has been positive from condo boards. With having lockers warehoused locally in the GTA, we can typically install our lockers after 7 days of a signed agreement. Since we are local, we will be able to do on-site support and fix any immediate issues.

Recently, we at BlueBits Toronto, completed over 10+ installations in just one week. This was made possible through our hardworking and dedicated team of professionals, who are always eager to take on new challenges. Our installations were spread across different GTA areas, each with unique layouts and requests.

Most of the installations were through a partnership agreement with WJ Properties. WJ Properties is one of the region’s prominent rental property management companies, and most of their buildings now have our BlueBox lockers. This partnership is a testament to the quality of our lockers and our clients’ trust in us.

We also had an outstanding lead time for Princess Management, where we installed lockers in one of their new high-rise buildings. This building is unlike any other rental building and features an innovative concept with exquisite design and exceptional comfort. It has all the amenities that one could desire, and our smart parcel lockers add to the convenience of the tenants. The lead time was only 41 hours, from the initial meeting to installation, which was a new record for lead time. This highlights the efficiency of our team and the importance we place on meeting the needs of our clients.

We are excited about our future installations and the happy clients that will come with them. Our team is always looking for new and innovative ways to improve our lockers and provide the best possible experience for our clients. We believe that our smart parcel lockers will continue to revolutionize the way people receive their packages, making the process easier, more efficient, and more secure.

In conclusion, we are proud of the work that we have done and the impact that our smart parcel lockers have had on the community. We are committed to providing the best possible service to our clients and making sure that their needs are met. We look forward to the future of smart parcel locker installations and the continued growth of our company.

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